Do you feel like your marketing efforts are falling flat? Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel by coming up with new ways to market your home building or home remodeling company, why not invest your money and your energy in a proven marketing strategy?
Direct mail marketing has been successfully growing businesses for decades. And it’s perfect for home remodeling and home building contractors. Why? Read on to learn more about what it is and how it could help your business!
What Is Direct Mail Marketing?
Direct mail marketing is when a company sends out mailers, flyers, postcards, or other types of correspondence to a target market through the mail. The mail you send is not just randomly sent out to everyone, instead, it will be directed at a specific group of people you’d like to market to. You can base this on area, age of their homes, income levels, and so forth.
With direct mail marketing, you will create marketing pieces to be mailed out to specific people at specific times. You’ll want to send out more than one piece since brand recognition is one of the big benefits here.
Is Direct Mail Marketing Effective?
It’s 2022. Do people even check their mail anymore? Believe it or not, they do and direct marketing is statistically one of the best ways to reach new clients. Let’s look at a few reasons direct mail marketing is effective:
It’s underutilized
Many companies think that direct mail marketing is dead, which means you won’t be competing for space in the mailbox with other companies. While there are many other digital ways to market your services, you’ll likely be the only construction company sending out direct mail pieces.
High return on investment
Direct mail has an ROI of 29%. This puts it behind only emailing and social media marketing in terms of ROI.
High response rate
The response rate on direct mail is about 9%. This is significantly higher than the response rate for email and social media marketing, which is only around 1%.
How To Make The Most of Direct Mail Marketing
If you want your direct mail marketing strategy to increase your business, you can’t just mail out a flyer saying “Hey, work with us!” to every house in town. You will need to take the time to create a targeted marketing campaign with a specific client in mind.
You’ll also want to be creative and think of ways to give potential clients something of value while marketing your company.
Once you know what to send and who to send it to, there are plenty of companies out there who will do the work for you. You can order custom marketing pieces through these companies who can also find addresses, mail the marketing pieces, and track your response rate. Well worth the investment, if you ask us!
To maximize your return on investment, you’ll want to use direct mail marketing along with another type of marketing. You’ll want your piece to have a strong call to action and include your website information since most of the recipients will look you up online if they are interested.
Stand Out from The Crowd
While everyone else is going digital, using direct mail marketing could make you stand out from the crowd. If you’d like more information, we are here to help! Just tell us what geographical area you’d like to target and we’ll work extra hard to make it happen quickly and very cost effectively!
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