Edited in 2019

Let me tell you a little about myself before I delve into the topic of remodeler marketing foundations. If you’re just here for the meat, hop down to the next heading and start reading there—no hard feelings.

teaching a class on remodeler marketing

I get really excited when it comes to talking about marketing. It has been my passion since high school to work with small businesses on their branding and advertising. When I see clients getting qualified leads and jobs from stepping up their marketing game, it is like a 5-year-old’s Christmas morning for me. At RT Marketing, we become a part of your company’s team.
As our focus is remodeler marketing, we celebrate your successes and understand your struggles. There is nothing we want more than for you to flourish in your business and we’ll do everything we can to help.

I was given the opportunity to teach a class at the 21st Century Building Expo and Conference in Charlotte, NC. As an introductory promotion for the class, I spoke briefly at my local HBA membership meeting, the Hickory-Catawba Valley Chapter. My dad was a part of the HBA when I was younger, and I have always appreciated the work they do together in the community and also on the state and national levels. I thoroughly enjoy my time getting to know this HBA group and it is evident they truly care about one another’s success and the importance of actively working with the state for our well- being.

Social Media and Your Remodeler Marketing Strategy

Below, I’m covering some marketing essentials and basics of social media. While this does apply to anyone, our focus here at RT Marketing is generally remodeler marketing. These essentials are the foundation to any branch of advertising you wish to pursue. No matter what stage of the game you are with your business, you’ll benefit from reading on.

Consistent Branding/Rebranding

First things first are your marketing essentials. Before you can promote your company, you must be consistent in your branding. We can help you achieve this, especially during times of transition or rebranding. When you have the same look and message consistent everywhere, your company is easily recognized. You want people to instantly know who you are, what you do, and that you are a professional. So, throw out your old materials. Don’t hold on to them because of the money you spent or because MOST of the information is still right. In the long run, those pieces will cause confusion and potentially a lost client.

You want people to instantly know who you are, what you do, and that you are a professional.

Target a Buyer Persona

target with arrows, some in bullseye, target market

You’ll hear often, “what is your target market?” With the up-and-coming Millennial generation that is larger than the Baby Boomers—marketing to a specific age group is no longer advantageous like it was in the past. There are many attributes to consider other than age when choosing a buyer persona. Decide on a group based on income, location, likes/dislikes, etc. Age isn’t as relevant anymore. Don’t focus on satisfying a generation, focus instead on connecting with your target customer.

2 Asian women from different generations

These statistics are pretty cool from NAHB Remodelers and go hand-in-hand with the whole concept of being unable to market specifically one generation. You’re missing out on some great opportunities for work! “According to the 2009 HUD/Census American Housing Survey, households under the age of 35 account for 11% of the money spent by homeowners on professional remodeling jobs. Homeowners between the ages of 35 and 44 account for 22%, homeowners between the ages of 45 and 54 for 24%, homeowners between the age of 55 and 64 for 23%, and homeowners 65 or older for 20%.”

Establish a Marketing Strategy

table with 4 laptops, two sets hands, marketing strategy

Once you have determined your look and audience, then you choose the avenues to speak on. Some solid choices are print materials, email, website, blog, and social media. Don’t discredit print! With higher conversion rates, it pays off to continue print. And, we can’t forget social media. It is essential to your business.

So what do you think? Have questions? Ready to take your marketing to the next level? We’re excited about the future of the building industry and you don’t want to be left behind. Whether you are looking for some supplemental advertising pieces or a fully managed marketing budget, RT Marketing is here to help YOU reach your goals. Contact us today and let’s get started! 828.328.8956