Edited for accuracy in 2019

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Facebook. Twitter. LinkedIn. How is a business supposed to keep up with various social media platforms? And they are constantly evolving. Everyone seems to have a blog these days, but the quality of content has become paramount. In our content marketing driven environment, it has become almost a faux pas to not have an informative company blog.

Blogs provide several substantial benefits for small businesses. One of their biggest perks is how they become a hub for other social media platforms. Links from social platforms drive traffic back to your website, and increase SEO.

Create a Connection and Solidify Expert Status

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Blog posts also offer a personal connection with your clients, vendors and prospects. Providing relevant material to any of these groups will build trust in your expertise on the subject matter as well as increase awareness of your brand. Establishing your company as an industry leader and as a source to solve consumers’ problems has long-term benefits as well as short-term returns.

Lasting Impressions and In-Depth Information

Unlike some of the other social media platforms—here today, gone tomorrow—blog posts are sustaining. How well are you really able to get your point across in 280 characters? Blog entries can be as short or as long as needed to adequately inform your readers. They stick around until you physically remove them from your site.

Blog Burnout? Let Us Help!

What articles have you posted on your website lately? Are you tired of trying to come up with relevant posts that will fit multiple social media platforms? Blog entries can serve as the foundation of shorter posts on your Facebook page or in your Tweets, with links back to full articles and your website. Visitors will begin increasing their awareness of your brand and trust in your expertise. Over time, awareness can shift into a relationship with your followers and a sale.

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Need help with blog entries? Contact RT Marketing for our custom blog writing services.